Our Services

Back and Neck

The physiotherapists at Prince Geroge Physiotherapy treat a number of neck and back injuries, both new and chronic, including, but not limited to:

  • Arthritis
  • Disc injuries (herniated or bulging discs)
  • Whiplash
  • Sprains and strains
  • Scoliosis
  • Postural changes
Pre and Post Surgical

At Prince George Physiotherapy, we are well versed in treating all types of pre and post surgical conditions, including, but not limited to:

  • Tendon repairs
  • Joint replacements
  • Ligament repairs
  • Spinal surgery
  • Abdominal surgery
  • Fractures

Workplace Injuries

Have you been hurt on the job? Are you looking for a way to recover from your injuries so you can return to work as soon as possible? The physiotherapists at Prince George Physiotherapy can help. Injuries are difficult for everyone, but workplace injuries are especially hard to deal with. Although certain occupations have a higher injury rate, all professions suffer from work-related injuries. Physical jobs, such as manual labour, have a higher rate of acute injuries, but office workers aren’t that far behind. Less physical jobs, such as office works, frequently suffer from overuse, repetitive injuries. Acute or overuse injuries can occur in any profession, no matter what type of job you have. Some of the most common workplace injuries that we see are:

  • Low back injuries
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Post-surgical Injuries
Sports Injuries

Our physiotherapists help prepare athletes to return to play after an injury, while reducing the risk of re-injury and improving performance. Specific treatments will vary dependent on the injury and level of activity the athlete is working towards. Some of the benefits of physiotherapy for sports injury include:

  • Decreased inflammation
  • Relief of muscle spasms
  • Improved tissue healing
  • Increased balance and coordination
  • Personalized exercises prescription to improve mobility and strength
  • Targeted sport-specific exercises to return to pre-injury function
  • Preparation to avoid recurrent injuries
Vestibular Issues

Vestibular assessment and treatment in physiotherapy aim to empower individuals with vestibular disorders to regain confidence in their balance and mobility, minimize symptoms, and improve overall quality of life. By addressing the underlying impairments and functional limitations associated with vestibular dysfunction, physiotherapists play a critical role in facilitating recovery and promoting long-term vestibular health.

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

Blood-flow restriction training can help patients to make greater strength training gains while lifting lighter loads, thereby reducing the overall stress placed on the limb.

New forms of BFR and expanding applications in postoperative patients and athletes hold promise for expedited recovery. Continued adherence to rehabilitation guidelines and exploration of BFRs physiology and various applications will help optimize its effect and prescription.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates the body’s natural healing process. It can relieve pain and promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. It accomplishes this by releasing growth factors in the injured tissue.

Common Conditions Treated:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Calcific tendinitis
  • Chronic tendinopathies
  • Bursitis
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Muscle trigger points
Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Acupuncture and Functional Dry Needling in physiotherapy offers a holistic approach to pain management and rehabilitation, addressing not only the physical symptoms but also the underlying factors contributing to the patient's condition.

Both Diane and Natasha are certified and experienced in incorporating acupuncture or functional dry needling into their physiotherapy treatment plans

Mechanical Spinal Traction

Traction therapy, or spinal decompression therapy, is a nonsurgical treatment that uses mechanical means to stretch the spine and relieve pain among affected discs and nerve roots. This type of treatment can be beneficial in treating:

    Herniated or bulging discs
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spinal Spondylosis
  • Sciatica or pinched nerves
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Facet joint disease
Pregnancy and Postpartum Care

Physiotherapy throughout pregnancy and post-partum can empower women with an understanding of the many changes that occur in their body and how it functions during this time.

During pregnancy, physiotherapy exercises and treatments help to maintain core function, address postural changes and pain, and prevent issues like prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction - all while helping you maintain the level of activity that you enjoy.

Motorvehicle (ICBC) Care

If you have been in a car accident and need physiotherapy, acupuncture or dry needling, we can help. ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) has a program designed so you can access physiotherapy quickly.

Under their new enhanced care model, ICBC provides treatment coverage regardless if you are at fault. If you have coverage through ICBC, and you are entitled to treatments, you may begin physiotherapy immediately after you report your claim to ICBC. Common Injuries after a motor vehicle accident include, but are not limited to:

  • Whiplash
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Low Back Pain

Company Info

Prince George Physiotherapy
3714 Austin Rd. Prince George, BC V2K-2H6
Where experience meets expertise in physiotherapy care

[email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday: 7:00AM-3:30PM
Tuesday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Wednesday: 7:00AM-4:00PM
Thursday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Friday: 7:00AM-4:00PM
Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday: Closed